Monday, September 6, 2010

Finding North

I haven't blogged about my goals in quite some time and I thought it would be a good time to get back to this practice. Although I am still learning Photoshop and didn't officially get published in 2009, it was still an outstanding year!!!!! I did 4 weddings and several other shoots that have really helped me grow as a photographer and in my ability to engage clients. I got a chance to travel and do a wedding in Negril-Jamaica, Spokane-Washington and a couple weddings closer to home. I met and photographed a two tour Vietnam Veteran, Ms. Island Mokihana 2010 and shot a slew of other people who graced my camera with their presence. It was a very good year and I am excited about what’s next for me and the business.

There are way to many professional photographers and other people to list here who have helped me along the journey. They all know who they are, I have already thanked them personally and will forever be in their debt. As you can see, I am back from my blogging hiatus trying to catch everyone up from the work I’ve done this year. Stay tuned for more; you can also find me and my fanpage on Facebook at

I’ll be Blogging you…


1. Consistently pray before getting out of bed, starting any shoot and ending my day – In progress

2. Shoot two weddings (1- second shooter and 1 primary shooter or some derivative of the two) – Done; shot four wedding in 2009; one down and two more scheduled for 2010

3. Do a shoot with another professional photographer – Done; Bloomington Shootout and Macy’s Fashion Show

4. Streamline client meetings – Done

5. Identify someone with marketing and graphic design experience that can help me with plans, logo and designs for website, Blogs and print materials. – Done and still in progress.

6. Develop logo, branding and other marketing materials for business – Done

7. Develop new business cards with new logo and theme. – Done; rebranded my old one a bit

8. Develop theme for business – Done (“FOCUSing on what's most important!”)

9. Add new innovative and creative elements/offering to the Blog – Done but accomplished through my website.

10. Identify opportunities for small impromptu shoots – Done and have leveraged to diversify my portfolio

11. Improve comfort level with on/off camera flashes, strobes and umbrellas. – Done; thanks Carlos Baez and Zack Arias

12. Refine my photo editing processes in Lightroom and Photoshop – Done and I am still growing

13. Refine process for managing (archiving/backing up)images – In progress but I am in good shape

14. Get work published in print (book or magazine) – In progress and I have had several pictures that are magazine quality right out of the camera

15. Make time to post to other photographers Blogs – Fell off the wagon on this one a bit.

16. Start new innovative project leveraging photography - Done “The Model in You – The Beauty in Diversity”

17. Start new Blog – Done

18. Consistently “Thank God” for giving me the inspiration, ability, creativity, insight and strength to pursue photography and bless others through my work! – Done, he is present is all my accomplishments and carrying me through all my struggles.

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