The work doesn't have to be overly profound or anything but profoundness because it's all relative and seasonal. It could be a life changing discovery like a cure for aids, taking on a new job that could lead to becoming President of the United States or an encouraging word at the right time. A word that could make the difference between success and failure, discovery and enlightenment or life and death. You/we may never know but that's some of the context of the work we still have to do or in some situations continue.
Have you ever had someone say to you "you saved my life" and you were left wondering "so what exactly was it that I did again"? Does a knife know that it will be saving a life today in the operating room? Do lungs know that they in concert with the lips may be extending life to family member or stranger till the paramedics arrive? Does the brain know that in partnership with the eyes, hands and lips that it will be giving a talk that will change a nation, avert war and save lives? The "work" and the scenarios go on and on... This is very powerful to me, not to be taken lightly or abused but to possibly broaden, add purpose and perspective.
As for me, in the context of "behind the lens", I still have work to do on FOCUSing on what's most important... As I mentioned in a previous post for me it's photography, photojournalism, and photojournalashion (new concept I am working on). I look at photography as an instrument to serve others as I wrote about in "we serve". It's pretty cool when you consider the power of photojournalism through the significance of pictures, perspective and expression. I am having a lot of fun with this and understand now that photography is extending me out to the world to expand what I do/did and I am having a lot of fun in the process. I have come to realize that I didn't choose "it" rather "it" chose me. And because of that, I have a lot of "work to do" to help bring focus on what's most important...
So for everyone reading this Blog entry, you too still have work to do... As with this water fountain, be very clear about your impact but take time to step back and see how it's reflected on the world to keep yourself energized and focused. Be blessed in your work ahead.

Great post Dave! In my current situation I have been have some of the same thoughts. I think day to day we don't realize the impact we may have on someone as we go through our day. It is important for all of us to try and inspire one another to be what was intended for us. Sometimes all it takes is a 5 minute conversation to give someone the confidence they need to move into the future and change the world.
Love the fountain! Great shot! I like the first one better than the 2nd. I think it might be stronger alone without being paired with the 2nd image but they are both fabulous shots.
Thanks Shannon!
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