Saturday, March 5, 2011

Half Saree Ceremony

Last April, I was afforded the opportunity to shoot a Half Saree ceremony for a young Indian youth here in town.  I was "all in" having never done one of these and with my continued "love affair" with the Indian culture.  As expected the pageantry of colors was amazing as was the beauty of the women and charisma/character of the men. I was engulfed in all of this and really enjoyed how welcome they made this 6'3" black man who pretty much towered over everyone.

I had a tremendous time and was working on getting a few of these pics to one of the women who attended the event and it dawned on me that I never posted any of the pictures.  Enjoy the colors and beauty.  Also, please click on the link above to get more information on the ceremony.



Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I especially like the first and seventh one. I love the colors! Sounds like you had a great time.

Priscilla Chan said...

Beautiful! Love all the pictures, Dave!

Unknown said...

Looks like you did your thing. Great photos, David!

David N. Beasley Jr. said...

Thanks guys!!! I promise to do more posting moving forward.