Saturday, March 31, 2012

It's All In The Details.......

When I'm really in my zone with my camera, I just love shooting details.  They are easy to miss sometimes because of the "job at hand", trying to capture "the big picture" and make everyone happy but sometimes we as photographers need to capture a little something for ourselves in the process.

I took this shot last year during a shoot just because I loved the way the bangles matched the Saree and how the white background just sort of made them glow and come alive.  Most people will blow right past a shot like this but when I see this I see "Art" and I'm ok with this "Art" being just for me.  It might make it onto my studio wall so I don't forget the importance/significant of shooting details or another side of beauty that we often don't associate with beauty.......

Here's to the details.......


1 comment:

Coach4Divas said...

One of the many things I love & admire about you: you *get* the details. Beautiful shot.